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ISO 50001 and Beyond 




Organizations of all types and sizes increasingly want to reduce the amount of energy they consume.

This is driven by the need or desire to:

      * reduce costs,

      * reduce the impact of rising costs,

      * meet legislative or self-imposed carbon targets,

      * reduce reliance on fossil fuels and enhance the entity’s reputation as a socially responsible                organization


Main Objective 

To improve energy-related performance and energy efficiency

A systematic approach will help your organization establish systems and processes to realize untapped energy efficiency potential. 


Relation to Solar

This is important for solar because when you know your core efficiency, we can help you right-size your solar installation


The Standard

Should alert employees and in particular the management to the immediate and long-term energy management gains that can be made.

The organization can discover potential savings and competitive advantages. 


At RA, we take the following approach to help you with your energy management.






The Structure

* Transmit billing data


* Set general requirements


* Team involved responsibility


* Create your own energy policy


* Your energy action plan


* Implementation and operation


* Perform regular audits


* Create a management review



The Method

* Develop your energy policy


* Fix targets and objectives

    to meet that policy


* Use RA Logic to better 

   understand and make your

   energy decisions


* Create measurable results


* Review these regularly


* Improve continually



Energy Management

Like most energy consumers you have many ways to control your consumption.




      Flow Regulators




      Water Consumption


The next questions are 





When to Control

The key is understanding when to

control is as important as being

able to control it.



Where to Control

Slight changes in schedules and cycles can yield dramatic savings

Where are your peaks in your consumption
Reducing peak demand charges can yield huge savings in your utility charges. 



Know To Control Customizable Dashboard

Analyze & Manage energy consumption by performance benchmarks 

      End use category 




Product Deal Sheet

This product deal sheet has just a brief overview of some of the capabilities of this product.


Product Brochure

This product brochure has a more in-depth explanation of the technical capabilities of our RA Logic product.

And a brief overview of ISO 50001



Facility Demand Monitor
Site Demand Monitor
Most utilities will base a month
long demand charge on the 
highest 15 minutes for the month
Real-time demand
Pinpoint use activity
Shave these peaks and
shave the total monthly demand
End Use
Use this to:
      Energy consumption by
      End-use Category
      Know your Solar Caputre
Set performance benchmarks by
      and / or
Real Time

Compare actual vrs forecast usage

Identify efficiencies and inefficiencies allowing corrective action and the tracking of savings over time. 


Reports can be aggregated to show: 

      Summary level performance

      Performance over time

      Comparison with comparable buildings

      Usage patterns

      Time of year

      Day of the week

      Time of day


Energy usage by 


      End use


Facility performance comparison

      Total energy cost

      Energy usage

      Year over year trends

      Energy use per sq. ft.


Real time energy usage and spending

      Facility characteristics




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