
Gary R. Gustafson
My commitment and origins of RA Companies is long and deep in strengthening sustainability.
My teams have constantly developed new and innovative ways to create green sustainable energy that can assist in reducing carbon foot prints while preserving the environment.
Biofuels Production
In the 1970s we developed and marketed ethanol production facilities, working directly with farmers to set up facilities on family farms giving them a greater stak in the goods and services they provide.
This development / marketing team also worked with cheese production facilities to use waste byproducts such as whey and turned this into ethanol as a usable onsite energy source.
Solar Collection and Storage
In the 1980s we developed products and patents for solar collection and storage.
Product Development
In the 80’s and 90’s I took an adjunct position as University of Minnesota Department of Engineering where I created a “Concurrent Engineering” product development class focused on developing sustainable energy products.
National Sales and Marketing
From the mid 90’s to the present I focused on national sales and marketing.
Sustainable Energy
In 2010 we started to develop a series of patents for our current products.
Strategic Alliances
In 2014 we started an ongoing grant program with the University Of St Thomas in St Paul Minnesota to do our product development.