From Reinventing Fire
by Amory Lovins of the Rocky Mountain Institute
“Oil and coal have built our civilization, created our wealth, and enriched the lives of billions. Yet their rising costs to our security, economy, health, and environment now outweigh their benefits. Moreover, that long-awaited energy tipping point - where alternatives work better than oil and coal and compete purely on cost - is no longer decades in the future. It is here and now. And it is the fulcrum of economic transformation.”
Our Mission
Guides Everything We Do.
We are meeting the energy requirements of the present while enhancing the ability of future generations to meet their energy needs.
Our Values
We are making renewable energy simple by…
We are making renewable energy simple by…
Using the principles of biomimicry in design for manufacturing with zero waste
Creating sustainability that is regenerating alternatives
Developing partnerships with suppliers and customers that are win-win
Learning with everyone how to create a sustainable future
Innovating finance options that work best for you and the environment
Our Commitment
Because a Sustainable Future Takes All of .US
When we all take steps towards a sustainable future now, we will accomplish great things for generations to come.
Innovation- The goal of RA Solar is to make going solar as easy as turning on a light switch. Innovation is built into every RA system. Our products are stronger and more durable, generating timeless performance through technology. We are committed to making sure that every sustainability partner we work with, has a positive and enjoyable experience in going solar. One that we - our partners and US can be proud of.
Our Solar Panel Guarantee - RA Systems guarantees the installation for the first year. Our one year guarantee covers penetration to the roof and/or anything involving the installation. Outside of that, equipment is covered for the warranty term of 12.5 yrs, correct? A service agreement is available for purchase at the time of sale. Service agreements purchased after the first year are available at a different rate scale. Restrictions apply.
Our Solar Panel Warranty - Manufacturer warranties flow from the product manufacturer to the owner (our service agreements should be laid out to complete repairs for warrantied issues that may apply) for the life of building ownership or 25 years whichever comes first. Standard electronics warranty is 12.5 years. A 12.5 year extension is available if purchased within the first year of a fully operational installation of the RA System.